Rare lobster lobster rarely reaches Chinese fishermen's net

A Chinese fisherman caught a colorful rare cotton lobster, weighing over 1.8 kg at a price that could reach more than 100 USD / kg.

Chinese fishermen catch rare and precious lobster

Mr. Li Junfang caught the lobster in the first quarter of August in Ningbo City, east of Zhejiang Province. The fisherman said that the shrimp he caught was of a lobster breed, but it was rare to see such a big one.

Picture 1 of Rare lobster lobster rarely reaches Chinese fishermen's net
Multi-colored lobster with blue head shell, white stripe with yellow spots and more purple.(Photo: People.cn)

The shrimp weighs 1.85 kg , the body is blue and bright, 55 cm long, and more and more blue and purple. Its legs have black and white spots, and the torus points add yellow spots.

According to the People's Daily, an owner of the regional seafood store, the lobster of this size could sell for 700-800 yuan / kg (about 109-125 USD / kg).

Mr. Li Junfang hoped that someone would generously buy the rare shrimp, and give it back to the museum, instead of ending the life in a diner's stomach.

However, the people in the area just gathered and mocked: " Why don't you donate it yourself? Can't have money and reputation at the same time."

Picture 2 of Rare lobster lobster rarely reaches Chinese fishermen's net
Fishermen Li Junfang hopes to have someone buy the shrimp and give it back to the museum.(Photo: People's Daily)