Read newspapers directly from Facebook's News Feed

According to The Wall Street Journal, at the end of this month Facebook will introduce "Instant Articles" feature that allows direct downloading of New York Times, Buzzfeed and National Geographic articles on users' News Feed without having to switch to Open the browser, open a new tab or open the secondary browser in the Facebook mobile app.

Coming soon to read the newspaper directly from the News Feed of Facebook thanks to the "Instant Articles" feature.

The goal is for everyone to read the entire article right away on their wall without leaving the page.

Picture 1 of Read newspapers directly from Facebook's News Feed

If the newspaper has an advertisement, the publisher will still receive the full amount of advertising as usual, but if Facebook takes over the advertising, the publisher must give 30% of the ad revenue to Facebook.

People perceive this action of Facebook not to earn more money from publishers, but to retain users on their social networks . With the " Instant Articles " feature, people can surf Facebook while reading news in a single tab or a single screen because each article can be displayed as a regular status.

This will make people use Facebook more, surf Facebook longer and think that Facebook will sell more ads on their social networks, ie make more money.

In fact, for a long time, Facebook has been a very important factor in creating a huge readership for an article or newspaper, the articles shared continuously on Facebook are abundant resources. Help newspapers increase views and viewers, so much that people have to develop more small gadgets to link their website to Facebook, set up Page and Group to reinforce the views for their website.