Read the dream with ... scanner

The mysterious world of dreams will soon be broken when neuroscientists find a way to read dreams while you are still asleep.

To find out if the dream can be read in the same way as the provincial mind-reading machine, two experts Michael Czisch and Martin Dresler of Max Planck Psychiatry Institute, Munich (Germany) beamed the brain. Set up those who are 'dreaming'.

'Dream is a dream in which you realize that you're . dreaming' , Dresler explained on NewSciencetist. The ability to 'wake up in your dreams and control your actions and dreams' is quite rare. Therefore, the people 'dreaming' is a real asset for researchers. They are the only ones who can 'communicate' and transmit information about their dreams with the research team, often through eye movement.

Picture 1 of Read the dream with ... scanner

After studying six people who were supposed to be able to dream every night, Dresler's team used both an MRI function scanner and an optical spectrometer to observe each person's brain activity. First, they let these six people hold one hand tightly while awake. Next, 6 people were asked to imagine their tight grip on one hand and finally, they had to dream of holding hands in their provincial dreams. Images of the brain in these 3 situations will be recorded and compared.

Dream machine

Of course, it's not easy to know when volunteers dream of 'holding hands' . The team combined multiple methods of monitoring to check if the volunteers were in REM-state (Science has been proven, when the eyes move quickly it is usually at their we are dreaming. They will measure brain activity, observe eye movements and monitor chin muscles, which are always paralyzed during REM sleep.

To inform the researchers that they have entered a dream state and will try to hold their hands in the dream, each volunteer is instructed to roll their eyes from left to right according to a number of unified times before . Even while dreaming of holding hands, these people didn't hold their hands in reality.

The request was really hard. Volunteers must sleep, reach REM state and have a provincial dream - stable enough for the team to collect data. As a result, Michael and Dresler only analyzed the two dreams.

In both cases, they were able to identify brain activity when volunteers dreamed of clenching their fists, because it was very similar to the brain image when imagining the grip. Meanwhile, real-life fist has a slightly similar image, because the area is much wider.

'This is the first evidence that it is possible to use the imagination of the brain to read the dream content , ' Czisch said.

Describing this is an 'excellent work' , expert Daniel Erlacher of the University of Bern Switzerland stressed that if science can read the details of brain functions and understand their representative meaning People will be able to read the deepest dreams.