Recreate the formation of the Milky Way

European astronomers have found new evidence that the Milky Way expands inward from the inside out.

European astronomers have found new evidence that the Milky Way expands inward from the inside out.

>>>Discover the missing branches of the Milky Way

A groundbreaking European study provides a comprehensive view of the Milky Way's formation, allowing our galaxies to behave in a unique form.

Picture 1 of Recreate the formation of the Milky Way

New research shows the Milky Way evolution - (Photo: ESO)

Data collected in the Gaia-ESO project of Europe provided evidence to support the hypothesis that the Milky Way's first stars began to form from the center, meaning our galaxy grow from the inside out.

Thanks to the telescope of the Nam Phuong Observatory (Chile), the experts responsible for the project discovered older stars located in the central part of the Milky Way, called the Solar Circle.

Round the sun, it takes 250 million years to go from one end to the other, which is also home to our solar system, according to a report published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The stars in this range have a high content of magnesium, indicating that this is an area that once contained many 'live and die young' stars .

Meanwhile, team leader Maria Bergemann of the University of Cambridge (UK) said that the outlying stars have longer life cycles, and take longer to form.

Update 17 December 2018



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