Recycled from chewing gum

Chewing gum is the most annoying waste because people have to find a way to remove them from the sidewalk at a high cost. Recently, someone thought of a way to solve this problem.

Picture 1 of Recycled from chewing gum

Tools for chewing gum.(Photo: TTO)

Anna Bullus, a 25-year-old designer in England, found that gum can be recycled and converted into something else. After more than half a year working in a chemistry laboratory, she created a new polymer resin. From this polymer, she invented a device that holds gum residue on a pillar (photo).

After the container is full, all chewing gum will be recycled to make many other tools. Now the device containing this gum is only tested in the UK. Such products are definitely needed everywhere so people are looking for resources to support this unique recycling project.