Return to the truth about Lenin's death

Many years after the death of the great leader of the Russian Revolution in October, scientists have identified the exact cause of his death.

Many years after the death of the great leader of the Russian Revolution in October, scientists have identified the exact cause of his death.

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Scientists have discovered the cause of Lenin's death. ( Photo: Internert).

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin , comes from an intellectual family. From early childhood Lenin strictly followed daily schedules, including dress . At that time the intellectual and eating environment was different from other classes. Mainly a milk soup, sometimes a sour cabbage soup.

In the summer sometimes eat fish soup. Black bread can only be eaten at lunch everyday, dinner with white bread with tea. Holidays and sunday eat starch cake. Starch cake and black bread contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, . Lenin's body lacks such essential vitamins.

During daily family meals are mostly omelettes and some beef stew. Sundays and dinners eat boiled eggs. The usual dish is butter spread bread or smoked fish clamp. Smoked fish is rich in phosphorus. In 1887, when he was a student at Kazan University, he had a stomach ache and had to treat it with mineral water.

The years 1893 - 1895 were a time when Lenin was extremely stressed in St. Petersburg to organize the ' Alliance for the struggle for the liberation of the working class ', he paid no heed to the diet. Usually eat through to finish. After several years of celibacy, from a healthy young man He became a thin intellectual, weak, bald, and severe gastritis.

In late 1895 Lenin was arrested. Strangely, in the years of exile, stomach disease was not raging. During that time the prison only fed cabbage soup and wheat porridge. People are strengthened by Siberian dishes such as mushroom soup and veal. Folk life People feel healthy and comfortable.

Lenin's childhood was limited to eating sweet. Thus, he was consumed by a lot of brain cell reserves, causing it to wear out gradually. When living with Krupxcaia A new person is made by his partner to make sweet food that he likes. According to scientists, when eating sweet, people feel more relaxed and somewhat relieved.

In the First World War (1914-1918), Lenin had to switch to the farmers' food, which was condensed yogurt with boiled potatoes. When imprisoned, Ordinary people are fed by Polish peasants with salted pork, black bread . In August 1914, when he was spared with his wife and lived in Switzerland. And here eating like students. Ordinary people come to the foot of the Alps to pick mushrooms to eat.

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From April 1917 to January 1924 and from May to October, 1917, people living in secret, food was very lucky to have fresh milk and chicken eggs. From July, 1917 He felt very craving for solid tea, especially during the constant stressful working period, at night, to prepare for the October revolution.

Picture 2 of Return to the truth about Lenin's death

Eat during the Civil War 1918-1921 , very frugal. The egg in the diet is much reduced. However, it helps slow arteriosclerosis in humans, but increases the ability to work for four years that year.

Lenin showed signs of neurological disease in 1921, but there was no measure, including the establishment of a normal diet in Gorki in the years 1921-1923 that could hinder the development of injury. Cerebral blood vessels caused by sclerosis.

Lenin's very high intellectual work ability worries the health care doctors.So there was a mistake that they let people regularly eat milk and eggs without noticing that the combination of milk and eggs must depend on their age. Fresh milk contains saturated fatty acid butter, accelerating the development of harmful cholesterol. Increasing cholesterol from chicken eggs is also increasing lipoprotein (LDL). Each egg produces 180mg of cholesterol, and every day the liver produces 1-3g of cholesterol. Having excess LDL, while continuously eating up to 200mg of cholesterol per day, will accelerate the process of atherosclerosis.

Eggs contain lots of vitamins A, D, and K, which are vitamins that are beneficial for children and adolescents but can be harmful at age 40 or older. If development is triggered, then ' building materials ' or turn into fat, or the process of accelerating the death of old cells tends to make way for new cells. The nourishment of eggs and milk for people of undeveloped age is to create cell death, which gradually becomes the source of many different diseases.

Fresh, unfermented milk is only useful for children. Older people should use fermented milk such as butter, cheese, whey and should not abuse yogurt (can destroy tissue cells).

Lenin was assigned to eat eggs and milk continuously for a long time and pay the price of his life. When surgery on Lenin's corpse and studying his cells, doctors concluded: ' Death from cerebral arteriosclerosis '.

Obviously, in terms of science of health and nutrition, it is very useful to learn the truth about Lenin's death and analyze nutrition in different lifetimes of the October Revolutionary leader. Russia.

(Main reference: Environmental Technology Science, No. 4/1999, page 41. Ogoneck website and related materials for milk and eggs)

Update 18 December 2018



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