Revealing the mysterious sea monster in England

The clearest images of the mysterious "sea monster" in Lake Windermere (UK) were posted in the Daily Mail this morning (February 18).

Picture 1 of Revealing the mysterious sea monster in England
(The image is said to be a monster by Tom Pickles).

Through the photo can see the strange animal in the legend has black skin and four giant tumors floating on the lake in the fog.

The photo was taken by Tom Pickles (23) using a phone with the recording function. Tom said at 10:53 on February 11, a three-car giant giant suddenly emerged on Lake Windermere right in front of his eyes. He witnessed 20 seconds of rare occurrence of this strange animal. Based on its shadow, it can be judged that this animal is many times bigger than what he saw.

Sarah Harrington (age 23) goes with Tom to say it looks like a giant snake.

This is the 8th photo taken similar to Brownessie appearing on Lake Windermer since the 50s of the last century. However, there has not been a time when there are specific images and descriptions like this. Unfortunately, Tom and Sarah could not find the movie button to capture all of its appearance.

Tom's picture perfectly coincides with what Steve Burnip, a journalism teacher, once described about the monster on the lake side at Wray Castle in 2006.

However, Professor Ian Winfield of Lancaster University said that three-body-long animals cannot exist in Lake Windermere.