Revealing the reason why Rock music died young

Rock stars often die young, especially for solo performers, according to a new British study.

British scientists studied the lives of 1,489 rock stars in Europe and North America over the past 50 years, from Elvis Presley - the famous 1950s fluttering member of the Arctic Monkeys band. The head has been a name since 2006. The survival rate of these rock stars is comparable to the overall rate of the entire population.

The team found that, regardless of being a solo artist or a member of a band, Rock stars actually died earlier than usual in terms of age, gender and ethnicity.

Picture 1 of Revealing the reason why Rock music died young
The pressure of fame, substance abuse and childhood pain
Sadness could be the reason why rock stars often die young.

However, according to research results, collectively, rock artists who perform solo are twice as likely to die young as members of a famous band.

The exact cause for this difference is still unknown. However, the researchers say it may be related to the popularity of solo artists in comparison to members of a band. It is also possible, the support of other members of the band provided a shield against young deaths - the issue needs more research in the future.

Detective substance abuse in rock stars is also a habit that can cause them to die prematurely. In addition, the team found, evidence of childhood adverse events, such as physical abuse or broken family homes - could play a role in the stars pointing Short-lived.

The Live Science page citing the group's research report published in the recent journal BMJ Open identifies childhood adverse events as a risk factor for substance abuse later. Statistics show that half of the artists who died from addiction or violence experienced at least one traumatic event in their childhood.