Rheumatism is an enemy of women

Currently, people with rheumatism are mainly middle-aged and young. Causes of rheumatism are mainly caused by the weather.

If normal health is okay, but once the body is in a poor resistance state, or always in a special environment, the weather will affect the body, so that the disease is low. joint.

Picture 1 of Rheumatism is an enemy of women People with poor health are often prone to rheumatism. There are some young people who have colds and coughs that often don't take it seriously, thinking that these trivial diseases just need to take cold medicine. Many people find it difficult to treat without treatment, but the fact is that the cold is not completely recovered at this time.

People who are not healthy are often prone to rheumatism , colds and coughs that develop into sore throats, or chronic tonsillitis, bacteria in the body will produce a mild, deformed reaction that leads to severe arthritis leading to Rheumatism runs into the heart.

People who are often in cold environments or all day exposed to water are also susceptible to rheumatism. Through contact with clinical diseases, medical experts said that due to the above causes of rheumatism, most of them are women who work in the office and housewives.

Many women do not pay attention to warmth, during the cold winter wear short skirts on the knees, causing the knees to be cold . The housewives are often exposed to water, so the cold water seeps into the knuckles, causing the fingers not to be flexible . All these are the main causes of rheumatism. .

In addition, because they do not pay attention to avoiding the wind and wear warm clothes, many postpartum women suffer from back pain and leg pain. Especially, the obstetrics department of many hospitals now has air-conditioners, many women give birth when they give birth, their resistance is low. I do not pay attention later on, which can lead to rheumatism.

Health experts recommend that women do paper work if they wear skirts while wearing a dress, it is best to prepare a small and thin blanket to cover the knees.

Housewives often do not soak their hands in cold water, when doing housework, it is best to wear gloves or use warm water, and then use hot hand towels to apply regularly. If applying these measures, even if not taking medication will help much.

Picture 2 of Rheumatism is an enemy of women A little girl with rheumatism. Due to climate and work conditions, many people suffer from osteoarthritis. So how are people suffering from arthritis?

The first is the elderly: The incidence of this disease is closely related to age.

Secondly , women, especially postmenopausal women: among people aged 45-55 years, the incidence of males and females is equal, and after 55 years, the rate of women increases significantly. In general, in general, the rate of women with this disease is 3 times higher than that of men.

The third is obese people: research shows that obesity has a certain relevance to arthritis. The incidence of obese women is five times higher than that of normal women. In addition, when obesity, the distribution of fat is related to arthritis. People with a lot of fat are more likely to suffer from hip and knee joint arthritis, and the fat and hips are less likely to cause arthritis. Races are also a cause of this disease. Westerners have a very high rate of hip joint arthritis, while the Eastern people have more knee joint inflammation.

Some people who do special jobs are also susceptible to osteoarthritis such as mine workers, cotton pickers, heavy workers, athletes, dancers . mainly due to the cartilage in the joint is always Heavy pressure should be abraded and injured.

Oriental medicine, especially Chinese, often heals with food rather than taking medicine, so for people with severe joint disease, the need to pay attention to eating.

Flavones in plants can help strengthen colloids in joints, relieve inflammatory reactions, and quickly repair inflamed joints. You can eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits such as oranges, strawberries, drink green tea and fruits with seeds like cherries, plum . Also eat foods like almonds, peaches, mango, papaya, pumpkin, spinach (duck) and sweet potato to supplement vitamin A.

People with rheumatism also need to eat more oranges, grapes, pickles, tomatoes, sweet peppers . to supplement vitamin C and eat peanuts, cashew nuts and dark green leafy vegetables to supplement vitamin E.

Adults must supplement daily intake of 600 milligrams of calcium, in which milk is the most ideal source of calcium. Adults should drink 1-2 cups of milk every day, can also eat small fish with bones, shrimp, shrimps, oysters, mussels . In addition to beans, green bean and vegetable foods Dark also very rich in calcium.