Rhino massacre in South Africa

South African officials discovered 18 bodies of rhinoceros being decomposed in a private reserve on November 19.

Picture 1 of Rhino massacre in South Africa
White rhinoceros in South Africa. (Photo: Internet).

Lebata private sanctuary near Kruger National Park is where people discovered the corpses of animals. All the ill-fated animals were cut off. The Los Angeles Times said that the area between Lebata and Kruger National Park is not fenced so animals and poachers can move freely between the two areas.

Rhino killing in South Africa soared this year. The criminals attacked the rhino with an AK-47 submachine gun. From the previous week to November 18, the bodies of 25 rhinos have been found - accounting for nearly 10% of the total number of rhinos killed earlier in the year.

Picture 2 of Rhino massacre in South Africa
Black rhinoceros in South Africa. (Photo: Internet).

More than 270 rhinos were murdered this year before the massacre was discovered. The number of rhinos killed in the previous year and in 2008 were 122 and 83 respectively.

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Animals (CITES) prohibits the sale of rhinos. But the demand for rhino horn in Asian markets, such as China and Vietnam, is very high, so rhinos are still killed. It is thought that rhino horn can cure many diseases.

The Endangered Animal Protection Fund, a South African nonprofit organization, said there is no scientific evidence that rhino horns are medically valuable.

Many nature conservation organizations warn rhinos - especially black rhinos - can become extinct if their hunting is not prevented. A report of CITES confirmed only 18,553 white rhinos and 1,570 black rhinos alive in South Africa.