Millions of people in Asian countries are struggling to cope with the terrible heat all this time.

Ocean Conservancy claims China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are the top 5 countries that discharge marine products, contributing up to 60% of plastic waste in

In many countries such as Vietnam, India, Myanmar, and China, hundreds of people have died and lost their homes due to floods and landslides. El Nino and the effect of tropical

A recent joint study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Water Forum (APWF) shows that more than 75% of countries in this region are experiencing a

The UNEP report stated that Asia-Pacific produces up to 85% and consumes 74% of HCFC produced and consumed globally, of which China is a producer, consumer and supplier of HCFC.

The movement of the Earth's crust makes continents move continuously. Geologists believe that, over the past few billion years, the movements of the continents have made them

Yesterday, a major storm hit Vietnam, leaving 20,000 people evacuated, while the Philippines was also hit by storms and many other Asian countries flooded during the hurricane

Malaysia's deforestation rate is three times faster than that of all Asian countries combined and even peat-rich forests along the coast of Sarawak state, the largest state on

The Shinmoe volcano in southern Japan erupted the most in 50 years, while the Bromo volcano in Indonesia caused many international airlines to cancel flights to Bali island.

Tens of millions of Asians will be displaced by the effects of extreme weather events, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) warned.