Asia will crash into America

Scientists predict that the Americas and Asia will meet in the Arctic for a period of 50 to 200 million years to form a new continent.

The movement of the Earth's crust makes continents move continuously. Geologists believe that, over the past few billion years, the movements of the continents have made them unite and split in cycles. One theory is that the continents were merged into one continent 1.8 billion, one billion and 300 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Asia will crash into America
Illustrations of continents converging into a super
continent 300 million years ago. (Photo: BBC)

Yale University geologists predict that the continent's next convergence will begin with the merger of the Americas and Asia to form a new continent. The scientific world wants to call the new continent Amasia .

Picture 2 of Asia will crash into America

'Our model shows that North America and South America will come together as the Caribbean Sea disappears. Then the Arctic Ocean disappeared, making America and Asia meet , 'Ross Mitchell, a geologist at Yale University, told the BBC.

After merging with Asia, the Americas will be located just above the Pacific Ring of Fire - an area that sees up to 70% of the planet's earthquakes and volcanoes. Europe, Africa and Australia will also enter the new supercontinent. Antarctica is the only continent not involved in the convergence process.