Robot boat across the Pacific Ocean

Four Wave Glider unmanned boats leave the San Francisco coastline and begin a 300-day cruise on the Pacific Ocean.

Remote controlled boats will come to Hawaii after which 2 will go to Japan, 2 will go to Australia.

Picture 1 of Robot boat across the Pacific Ocean
Wave Glider moves through waves and a 'foot' underwater

4 boats will go through 60,000km. This is the longest way an unmanned boat does.

Wave Glider is the flagship product of Liquid Robotics, based in Sunnyvale, California, USA. Trans-Pacific passes not only demonstrate robotic vehicles that can travel across the ocean, but can also capture data on salt water salinity, temperature, oxygen content, depth, crude oil, weather, wind ...

Unmanned aerial vehicles move by waves and underwater 'feet' . Solar panels on the top of the boat will charge the sensor and transmit signals.

All data obtained by Wave Glider will be transmitted to Liquid Robotics via satellite. Just subscribe, the explorer enthusiasts can access free information on the company's website.

Customers can also submit Wave Glider orders to Liquid Robotics for $ 200,000 each.

Future Wave Gliders can be used to protect wildlife, monitor offshore fish farms and explore the Earth's carbon cycle.