Robot Sophia publicly supported Salah, wishing Egypt luck in the 2018 World Cup

Sophia, unexpectedly praised Mohamed Salah's excellent playability.

Arriving in the land of the Egyptian pyramid to attend the Creative Industry Summit held in Cairo city in April 2018, Sophia was honored to deliver a speech to the participants of the event. This special.

Picture 1 of Robot Sophia publicly supported Salah, wishing Egypt luck in the 2018 World Cup
Robot Sophia.

The robot was given citizenship in October 2017, thinking that she prefers working with people rather than replacing them.

Besides, Sophia also emphasized the importance of, can be used creatively to help both customers and users.

In addition to talking about artificial intelligence, Sophia also took the time to praise Mohamed Salah's excellent play skill and best wishes to the Egyptian team for the 2018 World Cup. in Russia.

Sophia said: "Salah is a talented player and he is playing very well."

Picture 2 of Robot Sophia publicly supported Salah, wishing Egypt luck in the 2018 World Cup
Mohamed Salah is praised by Sophia robot for excellent ball playing.(Photo: Internet)

Picture 3 of Robot Sophia publicly supported Salah, wishing Egypt luck in the 2018 World Cup
Sophia wishes the Egyptian team good luck at the 2018 World Cup. (Photo: Internet).

Sophia is a human-like robot equipped with artificial intelligence, invented and built by Hanson Robotics.

First launched in 2015, robot Sophia made a shocking public opinion when suddenly recognized as a citizen of Saudi Arabia on October 25, 2017, and became the first "machine" in history. this.

The announcement of the citizenship of Saudi Arabian robot Sophia has caused controversy among the public, arguing that she even enjoys more rights than women in this country.

Sophia is smartly designed, able to express a variety of "emotions" through a series of facial expressions. Not only is she able to carry out conversations, Sophia also has quite flexible communication and has about 60 different emotional nuances.

Sophia robot was programmed to carry out non-scripted conversations, which can collect emotional data and form emotional relationships in a real communication environment.