Russia develops mouse machines to counter terrorism

By inserting microchips into the rat brain, Russian scientists are working to create a machine that can penetrate the most solidified platforms and sniff explosives.

Sputnik News yesterday reported that rats with a sense of smell better than dogs and microchips will decode information received by the mouse brain, allowing the operator to detect the smallest traces of the chemical. learn.

Picture 1 of Russia develops mouse machines to counter terrorism
Training mice penetrate suspicious sites and sniff explosives. Photo: sfedu.

According to France Inter, the use of sniffers has been used by security agencies in Colombia, Israel, the Netherlands and France. The key to this new technology lies in the micro chip .

The purpose of the Russian scientists is to establish a connection between the mouse brain and the scent of the animal. The team is working to improve the chip to help remote operators detect dangerous chemicals in difficult places.

However, the major disadvantage of the new method is that the training time for mice lasts 2-3 months while the life expectancy of this species rarely exceeds one year. As a result, scientists will have to train a mouse battalion regularly to provide counter-terrorist forces.