Russian space exploitation and use

On October 4, 1957, the world aerospace history marked a new milestone with the Soviet Union launching its first satellite into space - Sputnik satellite.

Successfully launched the world's first artificial satellite

The first artificial satellite event in the world of successfully launched human species opened a new history in the Soviet space conquest program and is considered to be the beginning of the era of human conquest of the universe. With the mission of pioneering a space conquest program, Sputnik 1 is an 84kg aluminum alloy ball, inside with 2 radio stations, there are 4 external antennas on the outside. When separated from the R-7 rocket, the 1 sputnik satellite emits 'beep-beep' sounds . Those 'beeps' become world famous sounds.

Sputnik 1 satellite signaled continuously for three weeks. Three months later, it continued to make circles around the earth. In total, Sputnik 1 turned 1,440 around the earth, less than 100 minutes each. On January 4, 1958, the Sputnik 1 satellite returned to Earth and caught fire when friction with the atmosphere, ending the first great mission in Soviet aerospace history in particular and the world of speaking. general.

Picture 1 of Russian space exploitation and use
Sputnik 1 satellite is the first artificial satellite to successfully launch into space.

While Sputnik 1 was still circling the earth, on November 3, 1957, the Soviet Union continued to launch a much larger Sputnik 2 satellite. This half-ton satellite results with Laika dog and this is also the first time humans have brought a living creature to the universe, with the task of testing the gravityless environmental impact on living organisms, because in During this period, scientists were still vague about the living environment in the universe. Sputnik 2 flew nearly 1,500 kilometers from Earth, higher than Sputnik 1. Because it was heavier, it took an hour and a half, the new Sputnik 2 flew around the globe.

In mid-April 1958, Sputnik 2 brought Laika dog with a fire on his way back to earth, ending his pioneering mission. The valuable data brought by Sputnik 2 has set the stage for success four years later to bring astronaut Yuri Gagarin to orbit.

On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first manned spacecraft in the world - the Vostok 1, carrying astronaut Yuri Gagarin to orbit around the earth, opening the era. new man conquered and exploited the aerospace After completing the 108-minute flight around the earth, astronaut Yuri Gagarin landed safely.

In August 1961, the Soviet Union launched Vostok 2 with the astronaut Gherman Titov. Titov has been in orbit for more than a day and proved that humans are fully capable of eating, drinking, sleeping, and resting normally in a zero gravity environment. After that, the Soviet Union continued to bring many other astronauts into space, performing various tasks in the study of conquering space.

Explore the Moon by self-propelled vehicle

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At the end of 1970, Luna-17 had for the first time brought the 8-wheel Lunokhod 1 self-propelled vehicle to the Moon for exploration.(Photo:

More than 1 year after the first launch of the artificial satellite, on January 2, 1959, the Soviet Union launched a self-propelled ship Luna-1, starting the Moon exploration program. After many failed attempts to land on the Moon, on March 2, 1966, Luna-9 successfully landed on the Earth's satellite satellite surface and took photos of the scene. This success has opened a new phase in the expedition. At the end of 1970, Luna-17 had for the first time brought the 8-wheel Lunokhod 1 self-propelled vehicle to the Moon for exploration. In 11 months on the Moon, Lunokhod 1 did a lot of research and research work like taking pictures, analyzing rock samples on the spot and passing results to Earth.

Not only stopping at the Moon, the Soviet Union deployed to launch the self-propelled station to the distant planet Mars, Venus. In 1971, Mars-3 self-propelled landings landed on the surface of Mars. In 1972, Venus-8 station landed on Venus to conduct research on measuring and transmitting information to Earth. The landings sent valuable information about the 'brothers' in the solar system to Earth, changing the perception of the world about the world around us.

Salyut Space Station

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Salyut 6 is considered a second generation space station representative with many new innovative features.

In the early 1970s, in addition to the trend of remote planet exploration, bringing people to orbit, Soviet scientists considered setting up a space station, providing shelter, long-term work on the universe to serving scientific research activities in weightless state. In April 1971, Proton boosters brought Salyut 1 station into orbit. This is the first space station of mankind.

After several times to launch the orbit of Salyut stations 2,3,4,5 did not achieve the expected success, in 1977, the Soviet Union successfully launched Salyut 6. Salyut 6 station is considered a representative of the space station. The second has many new innovative features. Salyut 6 successfully operated for 5 years in orbit.

In 1984, the last space station in the Salyut program called Salyut 7 was put into operational orbit until 1991, when it ended. The success of the Saluyt stations helped the Soviet Union promote the development of the Peace Space Station (Mir), which welcomed astronauts, including many engineers and scientists from many real nations. does space research work. Relocated to the universe from 1986, to 2001, Mir station "returned to the earth to be gentle" due to degradation and lack of funding to maintain. Part of the station caught fire while penetrating the atmosphere, another part was now deep in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Space technology of the Russian Federation today

Today, Russia is still considered an oil country in the field of aerospace exploitation and use with outstanding achievements recognized by the world. Russia's aerospace technology has brought about significant achievements, especially in the fields of meteorology, telecommunications, global positioning and military science. The field of space technology has become an essential part of the national economy of the Russian Federation.

At present, many areas of human life use the results of aerospace exploitation, in which, first of all, the fields of industry, agriculture, transportation, energy quality, health, education, telecommunications, especially military.

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