Samsung website contains Trojan

Security firm Websense has warned that the official website of Samsung Electronics in the US contains malicious software (malware). It is a trojan capable of recording keyboard activity, disabling anti-virus applications, fixing the registry and recording online banking access information.

This trojan is attached to a number of directories and files that when users download and run these files, they will install malicious code on the user's computer.

Picture 1 of Samsung website contains Trojan Joel Camissar, Websense's engineer, said that it was possible that the attackers had hacked into Samsung's server to change its website, and those who used an insecure browser to access the site would have can be infected with this malware automatically.

Camissar said: ' Why not attack a website that has a visitor's trust? Today, trust is a very important thing. Banks often recommend that users should not believe in links (in email messages sent by non-users), and users are starting to follow these guidelines. Therefore, if the user accesses a trusted website, it is a very easy way for the attackers to harm the user . '