Sea turtles cause fever on YouTube

A Caribbean sea turtle has turned itself. Images are posted on YouTube and quickly attract the attention of the online community.

Picture 1 of Sea turtles cause fever on YouTube

A front limb of the turtle appears in the video.Photo: YouTube .

The video was posted on May 28 and has more than 1.7 million hits as of today.

AFP said that Paul Schultz, a soldier of the US Coast Guard, discovered a digital camera with a waterproof cover on a beach in Key West, Florida. He put the camera's memory card images online to find his owner.

'In a video of the time of January 2010, I saw a turtle swim across the camera. Somehow he turned on the camera and filmed the process of swimming with the machine , 'Schultz said.

Schultz initially thought a diver was attacked by marine animals. But then he realized a sea turtle used a camera.

Finally, Schultz found the owner of the camera. It was a Dutch sailor. He lost the device when he dived near Aruba island of Venezuela in November last year.

Then the ocean currents take the machine from Aruba through the coast of Central America, Belize, the Yucatan Peninsula, the west coast of Cuba and to the Florida Keys. The distance from Aruba to the island is the Florida Keys, about 1,800 km.

"I was taken aback because the camcorder could move that far," Schultz said.

Readers can watch the video clip here.