Seawater is rising at an unprecedented speed

Current sea level not only rise. It is accelerating.

By now, perhaps everyone is aware that sea level is currently rising due to global climate change.

But experts have recently confirmed an even more disturbing information: sea ​​level is rising at an increasing rate.

Picture 1 of Seawater is rising at an unprecedented speed
Seawater is rising at an increasing rate.

More frightening, this frightening truth has been going on for more than two decades, but humans are not known. The reason is that terrible volcanic eruptions during this period accidentally concealed all.

For example, in June 1991, Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines operated, causing the second-largest eruption in the century.

According to the records, the explosion discharged up to 5km of ash, covering the space within a radius of 35km. 18 million tons of super toxic SO 2 gas was released into the stratosphere, causing the Earth temperature to drop 0.5 degrees Celsius in the period 1991 - 1993.

Coincidentally, all of these disasters happened at the same time as NASA and CNES (French National Center for Space Research) launched TOPEX / Poseidon, which is responsible for monitoring sea level.

And somehow, the sea level from this period has always increased at a very stable level - about 3.5 mm / year, while the two polar ice sheets melt with increasing speed.

Picture 2 of Seawater is rising at an unprecedented speed
Sea level turned out to be rising at a faster rate, possibly up to red alert levels.

This has led scientists to think hard. According to John Fasullo, a meteorologist from the US National Meteorological Center, "We monitor sea level indicators and feel very headache, because why the indicators do not record increasing rates. sea ​​level rise? ".

To test these data, Fasullo decided to build 40 climate models, which first introduced the volcanic eruption event as a variable.

What is the result? The sea level turned out to be rising at a faster rate, possibly up to the red alert level.

Picture 3 of Seawater is rising at an unprecedented speed
Sea level rise will affect the forecast of our water level.

And how important is this study? Importantly, because the sea level rise will affect the forecast of our water level.

If the rate of increase is actually faster than we think, it means that people may not be able to come up with a solution soon enough, so the consequences are extremely serious.

Research published in the journal Scientìic Reports.