The ice melts due to global warming causing the Earth to rotate more slowly and become longer.

According to scientists from the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA), many cities may be engulfed by seawater in the next 100-200 years.

In the new study, scientists predict that the sea may rise by up to 6m in the future, threatening many major cities in the world. Even the disaster still happens regardless of the

Dr. Marco Tedesco, associate professor of Earth and Atmospheric Science at New York City College, and a colleague have studied the impact of climate change on the face of Greenland

Why sea levels are rising faster than expected: estimates of future sea levels may be too low.

The magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck yesterday in northern Japan, causing sea levels to change slightly, but authorities did not issue a tsunami warning.

This data was provided by a team of University of Colorado experts at Boulder (UCB) and a spacecraft of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA). Accordingly, the global sea level rose 12mm

The first complete map of the speed and direction of the Antarctic glaciers has been completed by scientists under the auspices of NASA, the US National Air and Space

The phenomenon of ice melting in the Arctic could cause global sea levels to rise by up to 1.6 meters this century, threatening many of Vietnam's delta and coastal cities,

Warning by meteorologist Smith Dharmasaraja said, 20 years to Thailand's capital Bangkok will be below sea level.