Senator John McCain has the most dangerous brain cancer

Glioblastoma tumor originates from the brain or spinal cord so rapid metastasis, no treatment, the patient's average life time is 14 months.

Senator John McCain died August 25 (local time) after more than a year of discovering glioblastoma, the most common form of brain cancer . Earlier, the McCain family announced he had chosen to stop treatment.

According to CNN, unlike cancer tumors that start in other places and spread to the brain, glioblastoma tumors start right in the brain or from the spinal cord, from astrocytes. The American Brain Cancer Association (ABTA) evaluates glioblastoma tumors so it is very dangerous because of its ability to penetrate and stay in healthy brain tissue. It can also spread to other parts of the body through the system of blood vessels and lymph nodes.

Picture 1 of Senator John McCain has the most dangerous brain cancer
Senator McCain died after more than a year of fighting brain cancer.(Photo: AP).

Symptoms of glioblastoma brain cancer include headache, vomiting, drowsiness. Depending on the location of the tumor, half of the body is weakened. Memory, visual and speaking problems can also appear. In the case of Senator McCain, he discovered tumors after months of fatigue and double vision (seeing two images of things at the same time).

Currently, there is no specific treatment for glioblastoma cancer. Usually doctors appoint surgery to remove tumors and combine chemotherapy, radiation therapy.

The remaining life of glioblastoma cancer patients depends on the type of tumor as well as the method of treatment, averaging about 14 months. 10% of patients live for five years or more.

Before Senator McCain, Senator Ted Kennedy and US Vice President Joe Biden also died of glioblastoma brain cancer.