Sequoia - the longest 'Witness' on the planet

More than 4,000 years ago, in the country of Egypt, pharaohs were building Pyramids in the wet lands of California sprouting the first sequoia seeds.

More than 4,000 years ago, in the country of Egypt, pharaohs were building Pyramids in the wet lands of California sprouting the first sequoia seeds. The tree grew, developed . up to 2,000 years later, when the Roman Empire came to a flourishing, sequoia became a giant tree - almost permanent.

Centuries, then millennia passed . nature changed its face, but this immortal tree stood still, despite the rough winds of the Pacific Ocean.Sequoia - the typical messenger of the pine tree ; It is also the longest living 'witness' on our planet.

Visitors to the National Conservation Park in California are always taken aback by the average height to . 98m of sequoia. The original ring is even more amazing: even to . 12 people who are connected to each other's arms still haven't embraced it yet!

Picture 1 of Sequoia - the longest 'Witness' on the planet

This type of sequoia was named General Sherman by the American botanist, Sherman, based on the legendary general in the North-South civil war (1861-1865) and weighed up to 2,000 tons. The number of its timber was cut enough to make 40 spacious 5-storey houses to gather massive rafters. General Sherman can be bigger and taller, if it is not burned by the top of the body, causing the whole body to burn. Only about 40% of the trunk components are still alive.

The General Sherman tree is one of many thousands of other similar trees in the windy Pacific Coast sequences of the North American region, including two main families based on green or red foliage. The name sequoia is from the Cherokee - one of the most civilized Indian tribes. Sequoia is the name of the person who created their own text: the 86-shaped form has a similar sound. Thanks to the sequences that Cherokee Aboriginal people read and write.

Giant sequoia with a height of 70-120m and a radius of up to 9m, living up to 3,000 - 4,000 years old. Their homeland is the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada region, above 1,400-2,700m above sea level. With the foliage so thick that in the hottest days of the tropical California, it still creates the necessary moisture for the stem branches, creating conditions suitable for longevity and permanent crimson leaves. The green leaf sequoia usually grows at lower elevations, and is found in the southern parts of Oregon and California in the United States.

Sequoia was discovered by modern science in 1885 by prominent British botanist William Lobe in the giant primeval forest in Vera Cruz in California . From 90 trees back then, only 30 trees were still alive. The "surname" tree is 140m high and 35m in diameter (has been torn down by the storm). In the National Park in California there is a place where people make roads through a sequoia root .

Picture 2 of Sequoia - the longest 'Witness' on the planet

Why do sequoia species achieve such a record high life? The secret lies in the giant roots and their stems. Because of the high amount of antibodies contained, sequoia is able to resist the harsh destruction of nature and time, with deep hard roots that ensure a rich source of nutrients, making the body free of mold. The roots of sequoia are 30 centimeters thick, even hungry animals don't dare to chew, it is also a cause of longevity.

Even General Sherman, who is still suffering after 4,000 years of age, still thrives: every two years, he will lose a new batch of seeds - in small pennies - to maintain the race.

Sequoia is indeed a 'witness' of eternal life with time. They carry a lot of significance in terms of botany, as well as helping professionals to study compounds that have helped create that immortality.

Update 17 December 2018



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