Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

There are very small symptoms that we often don't pay attention to but can be a sign of cancer.

Warning signs you may have cancer

Cough for a long time

Picture 1 of Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

Coughing can be a common flu symptom, you don't need to worry if you only cough for a few days. However, if this symptom persists, accompanied by coughing up blood, you should seek medical attention, X-rays or CT. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have cancer, but this symptom may be a sign that you have lung cancer. No matter what disease, prolonged coughing is one thing you should keep in mind about your health.

Intestinal diseases

If your intestinal symptoms have long-term abnormal symptoms, such as stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation, you should go to your doctor for a check-up as it may be a symptom of bowel cancer. That's it. Normally, everyone has the habit of skipping these symptoms and buying medicine for treatment on their own, but if the condition persists for a long time, you should pay attention to the examination before the condition gets worse.

Primary bleeding

If you have bladder problems, such as bleeding or difficulty urinating, burning during urination, it may be a symptom of bladder cancer or cancer. However, don't worry too much because sometimes it's just a symptom of urinary tract infections. To avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, it is best to check for infection first, then check for other diseases.

Long-term pain

Picture 2 of Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

Most pain is not a symptom of cancer. You may experience muscle fatigue, knee joint pain or some bone disease. However, if you have pain in the chest for a long time, it could be a sign of lung cancer, or a persistent abdominal pain may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Better yet, you should have a routine health check to make sure there are no abnormal signs of your body missing.

  1. Early signs of cancer should not be ignored

The shape of the mole changes

Moles are a sign of very normal skin. However, if one day suddenly your mole changes shape, color or has unusual signs such as hair or itchiness, you should go to the dermatologist to check if it is skin cancer or not.

Unusual menstruation

Picture 3 of Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

If your menstrual period is abnormal, it may be a sign of cervical cancer. You should be in the habit of re-marking your menstrual period for convenience, because menstruation is also a sign of your health. If there is anything unusual, do not leave it for a long time to find a doctor immediately.

Unusual weight loss

Picture 4 of Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

A lot of girls have to eat and exercise hard to lose weight, but if you lose weight without any effort or weight loss plan then you should probably be worried. Abnormal weight loss may be a sign of a malignant tumor, so to be sure, you should go to a doctor to get the best diagnosis.

Unusual hump

Picture 5 of Signs of cancer are often ignored by you

Whenever there is an abnormal tumor or milia on the body, you must pay attention to it and see it immediately. The appearance or change of a tumor is a symptom of a certain disease. It may be dermatological disease, or potentially malignant cancer. Do you know the most common sign of breast cancer is to feel an abnormal lump or tumor in the breast?

Chewing swallow hard for a long time

We often ignore this sign and simply think maybe we have a sore throat and switch to eating softer foods. However, prolonged difficulty chewing can be a very obvious symptom of esophageal cancer. Therefore, do not be subjective with any signs and should see your doctor as soon as the symptoms don't last too long.