That's a statement by a German microbiologist when it comes to the habit of defecation of everyone, especially the residents of the West.

Scientists have discovered a new organ in the human digestive system. This organ is called the mesenteric membrane.

People with stomach pain must take antacid drugs to make bacteria rise slightly, the stomach becomes warm and uncomfortable; Eating yogurt helps your stomach run out of steam.

Apples are suitable for breakfast because they are very beneficial for the gut, however, eating at night or at night causes stomach discomfort.

Scientists have found a way to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 26% - the disease that killed singer Tran Lap's life.

A new study shows that half of the surface of office kitchen areas is contaminated with bacteria that cause intestinal and stomach disease.

According to US studies, there is a disease closely related to genetics. Although it is not possible to completely prevent the disease, if you know how to help it, it will help

There are very small symptoms that we often don't pay attention to but can be a sign of cancer.