Simple way to prevent lung cancer

According to Boldsky, lung cancer affects the cells of the lungs, often in long-term smokers. However, lung cancer can also occur in people who have never smoked . The cause of lung cancer in addition to smoking is due to exposure to toxins, genetics . The main symptoms of lung cancer are coughing up blood, chest pain, wheezing, respiratory infection, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, organ damage .

Here are a few simple ways that can help you prevent lung cancer:

Quitting smoking

The best way to prevent lung cancer is to quit smoking and never try if you are a non-smoker. 90% of patients die of lung cancer smoking.

Picture 1 of Simple way to prevent lung cancer
Try to avoid where people smoke to prevent lung cancer.

Avoid breathing tobacco smoke

You do not smoke but still have the ability to inhale smoke if people around you smoke. Passive smoking is also the cause of lung cancer. Therefore, try to avoid where people smoke to prevent lung cancer.

Keep away from radon gas

If you want to prevent lung cancer, make sure your home does not contain toxins like radon. Scientific studies conducted over the years show that this radioactive substance may increase the risk of lung cancer. This gas is found in soil, rock, water, old pipes, construction materials and natural gas .

Work in a safe environment

Avoid close contact with carcinogens. If you work in chemical plants, nuclear plants need attention. Equip safety safety gear.

Use vitamin E

A study found that taking foods rich in vitamin E, such as coconut, fish, butter, nuts . can prevent lung cancer.

Drink green tea

Picture 2 of Simple way to prevent lung cancer
Drinking green tea helps prevent cancer.

Green tea is beneficial for health and prevents cancer.

Stop drinking wine

Many studies have shown that drinking too much alcohol leads to lung cancer. Therefore, to prevent cancer, remove this harmful drink.