Sleeping for 9 hours, sitting 7 hours a day makes you die early

Your life expectancy will be shortened if you sleep 9 hours a day, sit 7 hours and only exercise for about 150 minutes a week.

Australian scientists have done research on more than 20,000 people. The results showed that people who slept more than 9 hours, sat for more than 7 hours a day and especially only exercised about 150 minutes a week would die earlier than those who did not have this habit.

Dr Melody Ding, research author at the University of Sydney, said the researchers analyzed lifestyle behaviors to increase the risk of illnesses including smoking, heavy drinking, poor eating, and inactivity. physically, sitting too much, sleeping . They consider the combination of lifestyle behaviors to identify groups that increase the risk of premature death in humans.

Picture 1 of Sleeping for 9 hours, sitting 7 hours a day makes you die early
Sleeping, sitting a lot and not exercising is a "killer of 3" that causes an early death.

The result was surprising when sleeping, sitting a lot and not exercising as "three assassins" causing premature death . They also found that sleeping less than 7 hours a day increased 4 times the risk of premature death if combined with smoking and drinking more alcohol.

Some other combinations also lead to shortening of life span including physical inactivity and excessive sleep ; not being physically active and sitting too much; Smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.

Professor Adrian Bauman, co-author of the study warns, today heart disease, diabetes and cancer are the deadliest perpetrators, killing more than 38 million people worldwide, than infectious diseases. So people try to have a good sleep, an active lifestyle, stay away from the seats in the narrow room and go out to exercise if you want to live long.

The study is published in PLoS Medicine.