Sleeping on your own in public is a good sign!

French experts claim that dreaming to be completely naked is not a nightmare or a sex paranoia, but rather a "good signal" psychologically.

Although this "embarrassing" dream may make you laugh or be embarrassed when you wake up, according to two French psychologists, Gérard Bonnet - psychologist and female psychotherapist. Christiane Riedel, this is a secret impulse from the brain.

It is intended to convey a visual message that helps the subject have a confident attitude in front of the crowd in case you are experiencing psychological difficulties in life.

Picture 1 of Sleeping on your own in public is a good sign!
Artwork of a dream.

Female physician Christiane Riedel analyzed that seeing yourself naked in a dream has absolutely no causes and consequences as in real life.

If in real life, someone purposely nude in public, at least they want to "show off themselves", but in a dream, that action is just a reflection of the mood image to prove the target person. its purely true.

According to psychologist Gérard Bonnet, when interacting with patients, he said that such a dream is only for himself to express his desire to reveal to everyone that the mood is deep. inside himself with the suppressed desires in his soul, and an urge to prove his existence in the eyes of everyone.

Like children who often boast about their naked bodies, they let themselves establish their gender before adults.

A female patient of Dr. Gérard Bonnet said she was having difficulty with her money and one night she dreamed that she was walking naked in the middle of a crowd of people, but was not "cared" by anyone who cared. both.

The doctor explained that the dream revealed that this girl's pride was hurt and that the image she saw in the dream was a signal to her that she should not be afraid of the comments. Phase of people before their difficulties.

Finally, experts claim that dreaming to be completely naked is not a nightmare or a sex paranoia, but rather a psychological "good signal" to help yourself. Tin asserted himself when he was struggling with practical actions coming in life .

Such a dream is seen as a "subconscious anxiety" when you are about to face a change or a challenge, like when an important meeting in the office, when a student is about to walk. on a stress test or a young person about to have a first date with someone he secretly loves.

At that time, we often fell into nervousness, anxiety, we were afraid to go to the meeting, afraid to go to the exam date, to go to the date of lover, but in our hearts, everyone wished that everything would go smoothly. will, will succeed.

So, sometimes there's such a dream, but if you know how to explain it scientifically, it will be a signal of the brain that is encouraging us to confidently face the fact that it may be difficult. It is difficult, but know how to overcome your fears to succeed.

Dreams like that are good.

  1. Decode the omen from the most frequent human dreams
  2. Decoding the dream: Good omens or bad omens?