Sleepy eating habits is not just

Napping is not only a habit in many countries, but it is also a biological response to lunch.

Picture 1 of Sleepy eating habits is not just


Researchers have found that sugar in food, called glucose, can prevent brain cells from making signals that help us stay awake.

"It has been long since people and animals often become sleepy and drowsy after eating. Now we find that glucose prevents neurons from making orexins - proteins that keep us awake," Denis Burdakov at Dai Study Manchester, England, said.

"These proteins are important in responding to changes in the body, which regulate wake-up activities, find food, secrete hormones and speed metabolism to ensure the brain is always in place. there is enough glucose, " Burdakov said.

The ineffective neurogenesis of orexin leads to drowsiness and obesity. "This result helps explain why people often get tired after meals and have trouble sleeping when they're hungry, " Burdakov said.