Social Web - 'Land of nurturing' threat

Social networking sites (social websites) are a fertile land that nurtures and creates momentum for malicious software such as viruses, spyware .

This is the information given in the newly released monthly report of security firm ScanSafe.

The number of analysis of more than 5 billion web requests sent in July shows that on average, every 600 pages of social web user information has a page containing various types of malware.

Picture 1 of Social Web - 'Land of nurturing' threat Although social sites are increasingly popular among young people, they only account for 1% of all requests for Internet use at work.

" The recent social site issue has appeared more in the press because it raises concerns about the safety of children. In addition to concerns about children being exposed to the content. Not suitable for ages, social websites can also cause children to face the risk of exposure to malware , "said Eldar Tuvey - ScanSafe's founder and chief executive officer. . " Users of social sites often face a lot of unwanted software like spyware or adware - software that can attack PCs, track online habits or reduce their PC performance. ".

Most of the malicious software that ScanSafe has detected through social websites is spyware and adware that exist in both simple forms and the most difficult to destroy forms such as browser abduction.

In addition to statistics on social sites, ScanSafe also showed data that in July the number of spyware increased by 19% while the number of viruses decreased by 14%. Some of the ScanSafe web viruses detected also increased by 13%.

In July, ScanSafe Global Threat Center scanned 5 billion web requests and found a total of 238 viruses, including 75 new viruses.

Hoang Dung