Social networks make us increasingly emotionless

Although known as social networking, it seems that Twitter and Facebook are threatening to break existing social relations links.

Picture 1 of Social networks make us increasingly emotionless Scholars in the United States are criticizing criticism of each other by texting
and via social networks.

Dr. Sherry Turkle, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), is concerned that technology is threatening to dominate our lives, making us more isolated and " less human ". Professor Turkle even described the use of social networking sites as a form of ' modernity '.

Considered a tool to help people communicate more conveniently, but technology is making us isolated from real-world communications and making us more emotionless to those around us. .

The Daily Mail quoted Professor Turkle as saying that social networking can drive us crazy. Ms. Turkle gave an example of the " pathological behavior " she witnessed herself, such as those who had just brought up funerals, just checked their iPhones.

In a book called Alone Together recently published, Dr. Turkle has called on people to reduce the time spent on social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook. Instead, we should strengthen communication activities in real society.

Some other scholars in the United States have also voiced criticism of increasingly dependent trends on Internet activities . Dr. William Kist, of Ohio University, condemned the fact that a girl named Simone Back put her suicide note on Facebook before committing suicide soon after.

Even so, Twitter and Facebook supporters believe that these social media have many benefits, such as helping people in remote areas easily communicate with each other.