BBC 'bones' virtual social networks

The well-known British news agency also scrambled into the realm of MySpace's dominance with plans to develop its own virtual social forum.

Based on its well-known brands such as Top Gear, BBC will build virtual social networks where users can freely comment, discuss and share home video clips. Leaf garden with others.

BBC Worldwide spokesman said that there is no schedule or specific launch time, only that the development of BBC online services will last throughout 2007.

Picture 1 of BBC 'bones' virtual social networks Source: Infotech

In order to attract readers, BBC's virtual social network will have a lot of interactive sections, exploiting the current popular shows of BBC television, such as BBC Good Food. " Teenagers may be the biggest users of virtual forums today, but we believe there are other groups that can be exploited ."

" We are seriously considering the opportunities of virtual social networking, because this is a strong growth business area that has not been included in the special policy by major media companies ," the representative said. BBC said.

Websites like MySpace and YouTube have become a cultural phenomenon of 2006. Users are eager to contribute homemade content to these websites, not only to express themselves, express themselves but also to be famous. .

This fever also swept through the territory of traditional media. Many analysts even claim: virtual social networks are "losing customers" of old-fashioned media.

However, the BBC believes that their model is ideally suited to a virtual social network, as this trend also encourages readers' loyalty to a familiar media address. That is why the BBC has invested heavily in its website recently and urged readers to send video clips and photos taken with their mobile phones.

Trong Cam