Contribute to the community with your own CPU

Let's collect some of Intel's microprocessor capabilities to help find remedies for critical diseases, or predict natural disasters with an application on Facebook's virtual social network.

Your computer has an extremely powerful processor, but you rarely use it at all. Meanwhile, the work of researching new remedies, or predicting natural disasters needs a huge processing power. The largest servers in the world are not sure to handle this burden. So, why don't we donate part of computer resources for such useful work?

In response to this demand, Intel Corporation, in collaboration with GridRepublicn, has developed a solution called Progress Thru Processors based on the virtual social networking site Facebook, helping users share their processor power in Such development projects are useful.

Picture 1 of Contribute to the community with your own CPU

Progress Thru Application Processors run on Facebook platform.

' Just by running this application on your computer, which only uses a very small amount of your computer resources, you can contribute to creating a huge connection power that greatly helps researchers '. , Deborah Conrad, Intel's vice president, excitedly spoke at the launch of the application on Monday.

Progress Thru Applications Processors will only work when your computer is truly ' free '. When other applications on the PC require greater resources to operate, this smart application will immediately stop, redistribute computer resources reasonably to ensure processing speed. max.

This application will run ' implicit ' in your computer, and will not affect normal computer operations. Therefore, please rest assured when making a small contribution to the power of the computer in really useful scientific research.

Progress Thru Processors were introduced on Facebook, you can download here