Solar power will account for 1/4 of global electricity

According to calculations by experts the International Energy Commission (IEA), solar energy in 2050 can generate about 9,000 terawatts / hour, which is 20-25% of the electricity needed for consumption of the whole planet. If this is done, every year we will reduce 6 billion tons of CO2 emissions into the environment.

Picture 1 of Solar power will account for 1/4 of global electricity
Solar energy will contribute to stabilizing future electricity production. (Photo: Internet).

The UN Energy Commission has released a report on technology roadmap, ie the basic steps that need to be taken to achieve this goal. In terms of solar energy, the report mentions two technologies.

One is the development of photovoltaic technology, basically based on semiconductor solar cells.

The second is concentrator technology, based on using solar lenses or mirrors to heat an object (then transfer heat to electricity) or semiconductor converters.

IEA director Nobuo Tanaka said: " Photovoltaic technology and collector technology complement each other without competing, but photovoltaics have the advantage of being developed in a wider temperature range ."

" In contrast, the stable capacity and flexibility of the contribution stations make it difficult for operators of the grid to coordinate renewable energy sources (including these two solar energy sources and wind power sources). ) at your disposal to ensure the supply of 'clean' renewable electrical energy to the end consumer . '

In the opinion of experts, in the middle of the 21st century, the technology of contribution will provide 11.3% of electricity production and photovoltaic technology supplying about 11%. According to statistics, at the beginning of 2010 solar power station's capacity was up to 1 gigawatt and the total capacity of new photovoltaics accounted for 0.1% of the total power output.

In order to implement the global strategy of the global energy sector, solar energy needs a positive investment, paying special attention to infrastructure issues, coordinating power generation centers, because of its characteristics. This type of energy is far apart, hindering the network.