Strange creatures can draw their faces at will

The video, just posted by The Sun, shows an 'alien' creature drawing horror in and out.

Picture 1 of Strange creatures can draw their faces at will
The animal writhed in a gloved hand and seemed to be 'grinning'.

Fisherman Roman Fedortsov caught this creature and filmed it.

Fedortsov, who came from Murmansk city in the Arkhangelsk Oblast region, northwestern Russia, posted a video of a bizarre creature on Instagram.

He regularly shares pictures and videos of strange sea creatures he finds in his net.

Fedortsov said: "I think these creatures are beautiful in their own way. I won't say they're ugly or weird."

Fedortsov mainly fishes in remote Barents waters, off Russia's north coast. But he also fished elsewhere in the world like the Atlantic region off Africa.