Strangely the 'sleeping beauty' Kleine-Levin syndrome

A rare disease is becoming a nightmare for the life of Connor Dirks family in Massachusetts, USA. While his peers are in class or having fun during recess, the 13-year-old is often drunk in his sleep due to a strange syndrome called Kleine-Levin.

His parents shared: "In the past, my child was very active, confident and interested in sports. My children were very happy, an integral part of the whole family's activities."

Now, all have completely changed. Nearly half a year ago, doctors discovered Connor Dirks with Kleine-Levin syndrome. The boy who has symptoms of the disease is also a syndrome of this "sleeping beauty" for more than 2 years. Since then, her life has been completely turned upside down with deep sleeps, averaging between 16 and 20 hours.

Picture 1 of Strangely the 'sleeping beauty' Kleine-Levin syndrome
Connor Dirks can sleep an average of 16 to 20 hours a day due to Kleine-Levin syndrome.(Photo:

The scientific community has yet to determine the cause and treatment of this syndrome. According to doctors, Kleine-Levin syndrome usually appears only in adolescence, and will disappear within about 8 years. Most of the patients' families only found their loved ones with Kleine-Levin when it was very late, usually up to 4 years.

Doctors said: "This is a syndrome of neurological disorders that greatly affects the learning and communication as well as the ability to complete the work of the patient. This syndrome is often misdiagnosed as the evidence. Other mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder ".

When waking up after long sleeps, Connor Dirks often get tired. I am no longer interested in books and sports ever loved.

The boy's father said that sometimes Connor Dirks could not control his behavior and had unusual expressions.

There are only about 1000 people with Kleine-Levin syndrome in the world, of which more than 70% are male patients.