Study hallucinogenic fungi to treat depression

Researchers say only a high dose of hallucinogenic fungus psilocybin can also change people's personality, making them more open, not just hours but even years.

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Psilocybin mushroom contains hallucinogenic active ingredients so it is also called 'magic mushroom' , which grows abundantly in nature in countries such as England, USA, Mexico and Thailand. Recent research in the United States shows that only a high dose of psilocybin can change the personality of nearly 60% of participants in at least 1 year. Professor Roland R. Griffiths of Johns Hopkins University, who led the study, said there are many people still showing change after a year and new personality can be formed permanently.

Researchers believe that after the age of 30, people's personality does not change much. However, the degree of personality change after administration of psilocybin may be equal to the changes that occur in normal people after several decades. Through this study, Professor Griffiths expects the controlled use of a drug derived from psilocybin to help treat depression in cancer patients and help people quit smoking.

Picture 1 of Study hallucinogenic fungi to treat depression
Psilocybin mushroom