SUBITO - an unruly baggage monitoring system, preventing terrorist bombing

Today, in order to secure public order, such as terminals, airports, etc., there is almost no need for CCTV (Closed-circuit television).

Through the cameras located at various locations, security personnel can monitor passenger activity as well as detect crimes in which terrorist activity is worth mentioning. Most of the explosions at the station or airport originated from leftover luggage.

Picture 1 of SUBITO - an unruly baggage monitoring system, preventing terrorist bombing

So, in order to improve the surveillance capabilities of CCTV and to stop the threat of terrorism, 6 organizations from six European countries have jointly developed a project called Surveillance of Unattended Baggage and the Identification and Tracking of the owner is a system of monitoring luggage ownerless, identify and monitor who left the luggage.

The SUBITO system will be installed directly into the security cameras available at public locations, the consortium said. The software identifies unidentified luggage bags containing explosives. Then, proceed to find the person who left behind the luggage and constantly monitor the object through the camera to locate the object.

The SUBITO project incorporates a number of complex technologies, notably face recognition software. The software allows the identification of a person's identity when a camera records the image and then processes the identity with another camera. In addition to the face, the software is also equipped with identity recognition function to ensure not "caught wrong".

Picture 2 of SUBITO - an unruly baggage monitoring system, preventing terrorist bombing

In order to deliver the best performance for SUBITO, researchers have developed a "behavioral" algorithm that helps the system predict the direction of movement of the subject, avoiding the loss of the audience. In addition to identity theft luggage, SUBITO also has the ability to detect and recognize luggage. Accompanying this function is another algorithm called "Hazard Analysis Algorithm" . Specifically, the algorithm will help software to judge the storage capacity of luggage not only based on the appearance but also factors such as the location of the left and the surrounding objects.