Larklife - a daily health monitoring system

A new health and lifestyle monitoring system called Larklife will help users manage their diet, exercise, work productivity and sleep.

Picture 1 of Larklife - a daily health monitoring system
Larklife has two types of rings, the type used for daytime (left) and night wear.

The system developed by Lark Technologies (USA) includes two wrist-like wristbands with built-in biometric sensors and an application for smartphones running the iOS operating system. Through Bluetooth connectivity, Larklife will send feedback to the phone screen showing how far the owner has walked, how much energy is burned, and comparing the fitness data with each other. It will also be a personal trainer for the user and will help them achieve their fitness goals, in addition to encouraging good behavior.

Diet monitor is one of the main features of this device. It helps users design meals and choose foods that are physically fit and provide enough energy. Larklife can also identify if the body is dehydrated. In addition, Larklife evaluates the quality of sleep of users with a second ring designed specifically for the night, then offer solutions to improve sleep. Finally, Larklife will help alert you when your employer should relax after a long period of work. The package is expected to cost $ 149.99.

References: Gizmag