Telehealth - Effective remote health control system

Connected to a health counseling center, a more compact device than a desk phone can help employers monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and general health are becoming a Useful home health care system in the UK.

The remote health monitoring box, called Telehealth , is the ideal solution for patients with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and lung disease, who need regular check-ups. For example, it will connect the call to the health counseling center to determine whether their prescription is overdue and whether it needs to be adjusted. For use, patients need to implant a subcutaneous circuit, with the task of continuously communicating their health status to the Telehealth box. Next, information from this box will be transferred to the health counseling center.

Picture 1 of Telehealth - Effective remote health control system

'The effect is clear that patients are controlled for 24 hours at home. It helps them save time waiting in the clinic or recommending them to go to the hospital early when they find their health deteriorates. ' - Simon Arnold, Tunstall CEO, big remote health care provider most in the UK, said. The health counseling center will notify patients about how to handle or take medicine before a severe illness can be life-threatening.

To assess the effectiveness of Telehealth, experts conducted a large-scale trial of more than 3,000 patients, in which participants were required to use the remote health care system for at least 12 months. at home. The results show that the system has timely alerted 20% of patients to need emergency care, 15% need to see a doctor immediately and 14% can treat it at home. In addition, the risk of death among Telehealth users is also 45% lower than that of non-users.

Picture 2 of Telehealth - Effective remote health control system
Teleheath remote health monitoring box

It is suggested that Telehealth could not replace a doctor's visit anyway, but for patients who used it, it gave them considerable convenience. For example, Ms. June Smith, 68, said it was difficult to go to the clinic when her body was unwell, while she herself had high blood pressure every time she saw a doctor, so Telehealth was very helpful. with her. There are currently 5,000 people using the system but the initial results are very positive, especially in saving time and money.

The British Government hopes this system will monitor the health of people at home to help them save time, as well as help the National Health System (NHS) save about £ 1.2 billion annually. Charges payable to general practitioners, hospital beds, emergency work and care workers. It is known that nearly two-thirds of medical expenses in the UK are related to long-term medical conditions, while up to 15.4 million people have one of them. In the immediate future, private companies are allowed to lease equipment and pay for their local hospitals in the NHS system. The government's goal is to deploy this system to 3 million households within 5 years.