Successful breeding babies have 3 parents

The new invention creates babies who inherit genes from a father and two mothers, reducing the rate of children with mitochondrial disease, a mother-to-child genetic disease.

Recent scientists have announced therapy to replace mitochondria for humans . This means that they successfully bred babies who inherited genes from a father and two mothers by replacing faulty DNA in a woman's egg with another person's healthy DNA.

Scientists say that by the end of next year, the world appears babies with three parents after succeeding in conducting clinical analysis. However, this invention is still controversial about whether they are licensed for use in women in the UK.

Picture 1 of Successful breeding babies have 3 parents
New inventions in medicine make human life better.

By eliminating faulty DNA, scientists can reduce the rate of newborns with mitochondrial disease, a mother-to-child genetic disease. This disease is very rare but extremely serious and tends to develop in childhood and sometimes can cause death before adulthood.

Previous studies have shown that this process is technically feasible in human fertilized eggs, but they are difficult to develop. However, a new study shows that a new technique called " pronuclear transfer soon" does not negatively affect future development and will minimize the degree of mitochondrial error in embryos very much. The study involved more than 500 eggs donated by 64 women, published today in the journal Nature.

The research author, Professor Mary Herbert, came from the Wellcome Trust Center for Research at Newcastle University, Australia, saying: "After overcoming important technical and biological difficulties, we affirm. that the research we have developed will help women reduce the risk of passing mitochondrial DNA to their children, which may not be 100% effective in preventing transmission, but for many women who suffer from the disease. The risk is much less risky than natural conception. "