Summer is dangerous for people with high blood pressure
Summer weather increases the risk of cardiovascular complications for hypertensive patients.You can reduce this risk by following the 3 principles below.
Not thirsty, you must also drink water
In the summer, sweating increases, the body's metabolism is also boosted. The loss of a large amount of water by the body will cause blood levels to drop, blood adhesion increases, which can easily lead to blood-related diseases, increasing the risk of heart and brain risk.
In fact, many high blood pressure patients are not aware of having to replenish their bodies with plenty of water. They often think that if there is no thirst, there is no reason to drink; This is an extremely disastrous mistake. The feeling of thirst is a rather strong reaction of the nervous system to the body's water shortage. When we feel thirsty, our body has been dehydrated quite seriously.
Therefore, in the summer, high blood pressure patients should drink plenty of water and drink regularly, should not wait until they are thirsty to drink, to reduce blood adhesion, promote the body's metabolism. It is a habit to drink 1 glass of water after getting up in the morning and 1 cup before going to bed at night.
It is recommended to use white water to cool or sterilize, to avoid beverages with sugar or carbonated bottled water. Patients with hypertension should not drink a lot of sugary drinks but can replace them with warm herbal teas such as chrysanthemum tea, death tea, green tea .
Hot weather also tries to mobilize

During the hot summer, people with high blood pressure should try to exercise. It is important to know how to exercise moderation, rational distribution of intensity and time of practice. From middle age onwards, it is advisable to exercise the whole body at a moderate pace, not to do heavy exercise. You can choose the exercises of nutrition, tai chi, up and down stairs, slow cycling, walking .
Tourism is also an effective form of movement, but hypertensive patients with a history of cardiovascular disease are best off traveling to highland areas. Before traveling, it is necessary to check if you have taken all the necessary antihypertensive drugs.
Do not open the air conditioner with low temperature
Normally, many high blood pressure patients pay attention to effectively maintain and control their blood pressure, but every hot summer, the blood pressure is less stable, this may be due to use habits. air conditioner is not correct.
Many people adjust the air-conditioner temperature very low, especially when it is hot and cold from the outside. But such a sudden change in temperature from hot to cold will cause blood vessels that are normally in a state of normal contraction to shrink, leading to high blood pressure. Or if the person is in an air-conditioned room for a while and then goes out of the hot weather, the blood vessels will expand, which makes the blood pressure unstable.
In addition, because the air-conditioned room must be closed, the air is poorly circulated, and if it is long, it will be susceptible to air-borne diseases such as dizziness, dryness of the neck and heart palpitations. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly open the door to allow air circulation.
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