Super young secret

Like and often travel far away, play intellectual games, have parents enjoy healthy old age . are 3 of many factors that make people younger than real age.

These factors have been summarized by American scientists after 10 years of research.

Picture 1 of Super young secret Research shows that, compared to other people of the same age, super-young people have the following characteristics: Having a healthy and sustainable marriage relationship besides a good sex life; making friends with people of all ages regardless of class; have a small family. Super-young people are very active and healthy, tend to actively participate in outdoor activities such as climbing or team sports. They slept deeply, got enough sleep, got up well and were willing to work, had good physique, low blood pressure to normal.

Of the younger age studied, about 10-15% are vegetarian. Most of them only drink mildly with friends or barely know how to drink. The rate of non-smokers compared to smokers is 20/1.

Thus, only a small part of the extension of adolescence is inherited from genetics, and largely depends on individual control, from movement, eating, to mental training.

Mobility - super young know-how

Physical activity is the decisive factor mainly in young people for a long time. Exercise will help your body to burn off excess fat, while stimulating the excitement of the spirit.

If you are not in the habit of moving, scientists recommend starting by walking, every 30-45 minutes, at least 3 times a week and gradually increasing later.

A gradual, regular exercise regime should be developed to be able to pursue long term and become your habit and lifestyle. Swimming, dancing, aerobics and flexible exercise . are good for health. They enhance the toughness, endurance and overcome the non-standard lines of the body. After each aggressive exercise, your body's metabolic rate will increase for several hours. Active activity also releases a small amount of growth hormone, which builds and maintains muscle.

Proper nutrition

The more diverse the diet, the more balanced it will be. About 60% of our food is in the form of complex carbohydrates, including beans and nuts of all kinds. Try to eat 5% of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Do not eat more than 5-10% saturated fat and animal origin.

Eat lots of small meals but have enough appetite. Chew slowly and evenly. Do not eat in a hurry and stop as soon as you are full.

Reduce salt intake. Reducing sugar consumption, replacing with fruit is the best. Vitamin C in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help your skin look fresh. Coffee reduces the absorption of all vitamin groups.

Practice brain power

The more you use the brain, the more you enhance its functions. Build the ability to use mature words and multiple images by reading new books.

The brain thrives with new experiences, so create different stimuli by reading a specialized journal that you know. Gradually increase the difficulty level of the exercise.

Use language games to stimulate creativity and clever expression. You can also train your brain power by closing your eyes and listening to an unprecedented piece of music. Try to figure out what it represents. Do other music pieces give you the same status and image? Be discreetly observing a group of people in public places, visualizing their people through their voices, attitudes and behaviors.