Surprisingly, the amount of calories that chess players burn, even sitting only one place

Chess is really a sport. Do not believe it? A new technology that has just been applied to this intellectual game will reveal the amount of calories burned by athletes in the game.

Their heart rate can be pushed up to more than 110 and the calories burned are equivalent to those of moderate intensity.

Chess is really a sport. Do not believe it? A new technology that has just been applied to this intellectual game will reveal the amount of calories burned by athletes in the game. And the number is really amazing.

A player, such as Russian grandmaster Grandmaster Mikhail Antipov, can burn up to 560 kcal in 2 hours of play. The figure equals one hour of walking at 5.6 km / h.

Picture 1 of Surprisingly, the amount of calories that chess players burn, even sitting only one place

Playing chess can burn up to 560 kcal in 2 hours of play.

This new technology applies the calculation of calories through heart rate. And we know that chess is a suffocating sport. Stress in the player's brain makes it need more oxygen and blood. The heartbeat is then pushed up very high to meet, as you can see on the screen, a player's heart is beating at 111 beats / minute.

Picture 2 of Surprisingly, the amount of calories that chess players burn, even sitting only one place

A player's heart is beating at 111 beats / minute.

Higher heart rates also promote breathing. And if you don't know, just sitting and breathing will burn most of our daily passive calories.

Taken together, even though a chess player is only sitting in one place, the amount of calories he is burning can be equivalent to a moderate movement. For example, an hour of walking at 5.6 km / h will burn 560 kcal. But the Russian grandmaster, Antipov, only sat on a chessboard, burning half of that norm.

Now, have you seen the power of brain sports?

Update 17 December 2018



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