Symantec antivirus software is attacked by malicious code

Security firm EEye Digital Security (USA) said some business computers were attacked by Big Yellow worm through the security hole of the famous Symantec antivirus program.

Picture 1 of Symantec antivirus software is attacked by malicious code

Symantec's antivirus program.

Big Yellow infiltrates the system, placing a "bot" program for hackers to connect to other computers to attack. EEye Digital Security said the worm started attacking on December 14, meaning 7 months after the security hole was discovered. Symantec released a patch in May but it was effective against depending on the client's installation.

" Obviously this is a new worm and it is looking for computers that are vulnerable to exploitation, " admitted Vincent Weafer, Director at Symantec. " But we have not seen any signs that it has a serious effect ." So far, the company has received 3 reports of the computer being attacked by the worm.