• Is this bag white or blue?

    Is this bag white or blue?
    Social network users around the world are debating the true color of a bag that is photographed and posted on Twitter.
  • Bagged lions once existed

    Bagged lions once existed
    Australia today lacks large predators who live on land, but only about 30,000 years ago this continent was the territory of the Thylacoleo carnifex - a lion with a bag.
  • Video: The reason the bag is always bulging

    Video: The reason the bag is always bulging
    Batteries and chips are always filled with nitrogen to keep it crispy, flavorful and extend its shelf life.
  • Toilet is in the bag

    Toilet is in the bag
    A German company invents the first mobile toilet that can fit into a women's bag, allowing users to use it anytime they want.