In addition to showing masculinity, men with beards will help protect, moisturize the skin, prevent dirt, even prevent cancer.

For centuries, the human body has always been an inspiring topic for researchers and a source of countless inventions.

Dieing by laughing, dying by tripping by his own beard, dying of proving himself flying, being killed by robots ... are some of the strangest strange deaths

We often assume that the toilet is really scary and horrible. But you know, the fact is that the toilet is still ... boring if compared to some parts of our body.

The beard length of members of the US naval forces is not allowed to exceed 12 mm, while police in a state in India enjoy subsidies if they wear mustaches.

Do you know that Brazilian prisoners can shorten their sentences by reading and writing essays about them? There are many interesting facts waiting for you to explore below.

Why are bearded men, while women and children not? The purpose of the beard

The beard not only helps you be confident and confident

The beard not only encapsulates the beauty and fashion issue, it is also the pride of the man, sometimes even the inferiority.

The Paper led the results of a microbiologist's investigation showing that a large number of bacteria exist on carefully polished beards may be even more dirty than the toilet.