A biopsy is a highly accurate procedure that examines the cause and degree of damage.

Protein samples taken from ancient Egyptian mummies show that they can get infections and cancer.

British scientists predict that cancer will soon become a disease that can be controlled by identifying the DNA map of tumors, according to the Telegraph.

A blood test to analyze gene activity can help heart transplant patients avoid many inconveniences caused by invasive biopsy.

According to Assoc. Nguyen Nghiem Luat, some cancers can show pathological signs such as cancer of the skin, cervix, breast, rectum and mouth, so can be diagnosed and treated at

Head and neck cancer arises in the nose, tongue, cheeks, throat, tonsils, larynx, salivary glands, thyroid glands; symptoms of nasal bleeding, upper jaw pain, voice changes,

Until now, the only method to test cancer was a biopsy. But now, just testing blood can do.