'Tom & Jerry' is a timeless animated series that first aired in 1940 and can still be seen today in a number of different incarnations.
For cartoon lovers, the Simpson family is a classic American film that attracts millions of viewers worldwide.
Quickly rediscover the old Disney tapes and discs, are Mickey and Minnie mice, the Goofy family, the Clementine cow ... or other characters wearing white gloves in each frame?
Two sketchy cartoon style paintings turned out to be created by the magic pen of the late British famous artist LS Lowry and sold for £ 16,250.
Have you seen Finding Nemo (Looking for Nemo)? It was one of Pixar's most highly acclaimed hit animated films, and perhaps many of us had a chance to enjoy it.
Rich McCor has given famous attractions such as London's Big Ben tower a new look like in Disney's fairy tale movie, attracting 149,000 followers on Instagram.