chandra x-ray observatory
This discovery raises big questions about the nature and identity of this object in deep space.
A team of astronomers has investigated where powerful beams from these 10 billion-year-old black holes have been and are heading.
Data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory reveals Sagittarius A* -
Astronomers have published images of the explosion that occurred inside the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster, about 390 million light-years from Earth.
4 clusters of galaxies, each hundreds of trillion times the mass of the Sun, will gradually merge into a giant structure.
Scientists can first observe a young star
The new neutron star has been identified as a rare star, has a low magnetic field and has no companion with any star.
But you probably already know, the universe has a multitude of different galaxies, the Milky Way is just a part of it.
A new study confirms the existence of two supermassive black holes in galaxies near us.
American astrophysicists discovered a black hole