Christmas tree has self ever? When do people start decorating Christmas trees, and when should they be removed? These are things that not everyone knows.
As every year, every time near Christmas, the world's Santa Claus (just ordinary people dressed up) excitedly distribute gifts to the children.
The question is simple, but it is not easy to answer. Christmas tree lights have a special feature that not everyone knows.
6 ISS travelers cannot go home for Tet, but they still do their best to have a happy Christmas at a height of hundreds of miles from Earth.
Pine trees, like many other evergreen trees such as spruce and fir, have a pyramidal shape to withstand the effects of wind, snow and light in their environment.
Every Christmas is close by, pine farms in Jefferson, North Carolina (USA) harvest thousands of Christmas trees distributed to the market.
New Year is not only a holiday for people, but also for insects. The reason is that on every tree in the Christmas tree and the New Year family, there are on average 25,000 tiny
Severe droughts in the US cause many trees to die, but it cannot knock down Christmas trees.
Christmas can cause some health problems such as tearing, coughing, chest tightness, etc., according to research by Upstate School of Medicine (USA).
Most people around the world see Christmas as one of the major festivals and are most expected of the year.